Asterina spinulosida - Pest or not?

The types I have had experience with are algae grazers and the rest were zoa eaters. So if u see them on the glass or rock dont stress. If u see them on the coral, the alarm bells should go off
I have one in my Tank...never knew about him until I saw him once on the "skeleton" of my Torch..only spotted him as I just turned the light's on...took me about half an hour for the "light bulb" to go off and realise that it could be a "coral" eater, but when I went back, he was gone...saw him again a month later on the glass just as I was passing the tank on my way to taking my daughter to the spot the school bus was waiting...sigh 10min later when I came back, again he was gone...haven't seen him he was on the Torch and on the glass...should I still remove him if I spot him again...? The Torch is fine and my Corals are still's safe to assume it's a "algae eater"..? I ask as I still got ALL my algae..:p
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