Featured Tanks - TOTM

Tanks that have been selected as our "Featured System's". Otherwise known as TOTM (Tank Of The Month).
This month we feature an aquarium belonging to @Dazz07 I started my very first fish only tank when I started high school in 2008 and had my tank running for around 2 years, it was all trial and error but eventually got the hang of things but shut down being a youngster I was not able to give the tank what it needed. In 2017 I got my first TL550 which came along with a hammer, some mushrooms and green star polyps, that is when the coral bug really bit me, before I knew it my tank was full. I prefer the smaller tanks they just seem to stand out more for me, maintenance is easier and cheaper to run. In December 2019 I thought I had learnt a lot and made enough mistakes so I sold everything and decided to start fresh as I was...
This month we feature an aquarium belonging to @n3mo. I started the hobby in December 2019. It has always been a dream to have a marine tank and with my little boy turning 1 and loving the aquarium I decided to get a small tank. I bought a small new system from a guy who was supposed to help me set up and run. Knowledge at that time was that marine tanks take saltwater and that was it. After the first 1 month of setting up I realised I wasn't getting the best deal and care from the “shop”, I decided to takeover and start to learn the hobby to maintain the tank on my own. The first intention was to have just some clowns and basic soft corals, but after taking over myself I decided to go more into depth and add LPS and eventfully...
This month we feature a tank from America belonging to Jason. Welcome to my 29 gallon Coralife Biocube. I'm honoured to share my piece of the reef with your members. My first journey into the saltwater hobby started with this tank back in mid 2013. My original plan was to have a fish only tank but that quickly changed when I went to my first coral swap. I walked out of there with 5 frags and I was hooked. After a few months and hours of research I realised my stock Biocube just wasn't going to support the needs of the full blown reef that I wanted. This leads us to the current setup. Setup: The tank is lit by a custom retrofitted 165w led panel that runs straight blues 420-495nm for 10 hours a day. The rear chambers house a mini...
Our Featured System for October/November 2017 belongs to @Rennie :) INTRODUCTION It's an absolute privilege to be nominated as TOTM with Marine Aquarium SA - I thank you all. I have been in this hobby since 2006, as a commercial diver I was always intrigued by all living specimens in our Ocean and all the remarkable bright colours etc. So 2006 was my starting point and still going strong. 1st Marine tank was a 700L- still up and running up to date - I use this tank as my so called hospital tank (due to the maturity), any coral - either new or old that is showing any weakness go in there until 100% cured and ready to go. I also want to thank my wife, Yolandi, for all her assistance, as I am working abroad for approximately 7 months...
INTRODUCTION My name is Gilberto Di Siena, (Gil). I am very excited to have the opportunity to showcase my obsession. I started keeping tropical fish many years ago and then progressed to Discus, which I still have and love. Once I decided to try marines I was hooked in a big way. DESCRIPTION I’m lucky enough to have a big fish room, which resulted in “1 more tank”. I prefer larger tanks and therefore most of my tanks are large including the two I sneaked into my house. I have two SPS dominated tanks, some mixed hard and soft coral tanks, a softies only tank and some fish and FOWLR tanks. My latest project is a NPS tank. My tanks all have different methods of filtration which grow and hybridise as the hobby progresses. The pics I...
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