CTRC meeting

Yeah, thanks Alfie great to meet up with so many reefers today ! I think we ended up with 26 in attendance and 3 appologies and 5 no shows .. so all in all a great meeting.. just give me some time to recover before we give feedback, you may have noticed I was a bit green around the gills today, very rough night last night.

The last peeps only left at 6:30pm !! There are still about 20 or so hermits left over even though everyone who wanted left with tons ! So if anyone still wants please let me know asap so i can distribute.

Leon, will put together a feedback post which should be posted on Monday for those who missed it.

Thanks to everyone who attended and made the 1st CTRC meeting a really special one !

Shot Muzzie!!! Thanks for hosting .
Awesum meeting u guys!
Alfie hows that monti's doing?
Yeah.. for those that left early ( before 4:00pm ) we eventually decided to frag the Galaxea Coral which worked out well. Come now Henk where were you ??

Just a note to any reefer who opens his house to a meeting.. tie down your corals in your main display.. LOL !

For those who were not at the meeting we announced the launch of www.ctrc.forumup.co.za which is a site to inform non SARK or MASA members of next meeting dates, special events etc, you will also see the SOS section there, and the suggestion forum is open. .

I am sure it will all be covered in the meeting feedback post, but if I can encourage members to go there and register, please note that you cannot register for CTRC membership online as you have to fill out the registration form, you can log onto the site without being a CTRC member, you just will go on as a guest.


howzit muz, i am at the or tambo airport on my way back to ct. i am back up here on friday for the funeral. if these guys have stuff you need brought down i can meet them at the airport and bring it for you(sat or poss sunday) so let me know
Thanks Muz,I never realized what a big commitment you guys have made in starting the club.Well done and good luck.It was great to find out that I`m not the only one with a half build tank in my lounge.Seems many of us may just have a lot in common dispite our different points of view.Thanks again for opening your home to us.
Cheers Aashiq
No problem Henk but no more excuses mate, you have to make the next one !

Aashiq, too true my man, it was a pleasure having everyone around, like i mentioned, I had to kick guys out at 6:30pm there are some fantastic guys. THe great thing about these meetings is that you can cover a lot of information in a very short space in time.. the great thing about having a meeting at a house or having a tank tour is you have 30 reefers peering into your tank, and if you just listen you pick up 20 ways to improve your tank.. thanks to the likes of David and Elroy I was busy making changes to my tank today.. small changes but changes that will make a difference.

The negative side is I have to splash and upgrade some lighting.

I am just waiting o the photos of the day and I will post some feedback. The club objectives will be posted on the site.

Hi Muz - many thanks from my side too. The meeting turned out to be a huge success. With everyone getting along splendidly! Many thanks again for the effort put into the whole CTRC.

I left slightly in a hurry - sorry.BUT, I had other commitments to take care of.

Many thanks to EVERYONE who came to the meeting. Muz - please convey my thanks to everyone else who cannot read this message, that you communicate with. Thanks for their brilliant attitude and friendliness.
Will do Jacques thanks for your input at the meeting as well... I have sent you a PM
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