Courtesy of the crew at WetWeb Media
Fish ID... Novaculichthys taeniourus (Dragon Wrasse) – 08/03/07
<<Hello Wikus, interesting name...het is Nederlands, ja?>>
Could you please help with a positive ID?
<<Yep...know this one>>
I think the fish in the attached picture is a Dragon Wrasse, I'm not 100% sure though.
<<Indeed it is Novaculichthys taeniourus, the Dragon or Rockmover Wrasse. Quite
attractive/entertaining/even comical as a juvenile...less so and often quite
destructive (called “Rockmover” for a reason) as an adult. Can attain about 13” at
maturity and will need to be housed in a large tank with other robust fishes>>
<<Happy to help. Eric Russell>>