
Thanks guys, what do you guys think of a standard 1.2m stand is the thickness of the steel ok. And Jacquesb have you treated the wood with any sort of varnish.
Hi aziz contact me, the best wood to use is balauw and it is the strongest wood to use, if they can use it in massive liners, and on the water front, it will work for you other wise i can arrange for a steel stand @ good prices
If my factory had to make it about R400 and then the wood cost

Good price Warr. I made my own stand in the factory and covered it with Superwood
stained Mahogany. Wood cost me R370.00 Stain and other sealers i had in factory. Will post pic's later
I'm building a stand for the bank of tanks, and squire tubing will cost me R650
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