Pincushion Question

28 Dec 2007
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One of my pincushions has "fallen" over. The stalk is now growing sideways against the substrate and then upwards.

Is this OK or should I prop it up ?
Put a piece of LR under it and it will attach and you can cut it let the old piece make a new head.
Put a piece of LR under it and it will attach and you can cut it let the old piece make a new head.

Will that work with this boy

Should I put the new piece of LR right under the head ?

How long should I accept it to weld on to the new rock ?
The pincushion has now righted itself, basically grow straight up again.

Do these extract water or something to be able to do this ?
Hi Warren - yes - they "suck in water" - that's how soft-corals are able to "sulk" (contract) and expand as well - this is done by the myriad of tiny polyps in the whole of the soft-coral body....
Hi Warren - yes - they "suck in water" - that's how soft-corals are able to "sulk" (contract) and expand as well - this is done by the myriad of tiny polyps in the whole of the soft-coral body....

Thanks J :)
Cool Warren! You could actually "cut the leather" off where it grows onto the new rock - and have a completely new coral grow from the old / original "stalk" :thumbup:

That's what I was doing. Then the coral decided to stand up, WeirdO ;)
So what will start happening, will I get one BIG pincushion stalk, or will it start another stalk ?
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