My New Baby

howzit guys.thought i'll give an update on the skimmer.damn its a real beast,im really amazed by it.
2 days of skimmate

Yip, that beast is really pumping, I think your tank loves you right now, best investment you ever made.

So how's the ViaAqua doing? :lol:
Looks fine mekaeel, esp if that is what you are pulling out in 2 days.
Looking good mekaeel :)

Does the gurgling noise from your overflow not drive you insane ?
Does your skimmer pump make a noise? Mine is driving me nuts (it's not the wood this time :lol:) if I turn it off and then on again it goes away for a bit....
Yip think so - you should hear the thing when it starts up - sounds like a tractor - thinking of changing the pump for an OR3500?
I don't know - but it still skims like it should so maybe I should just get ear plugs... I can hear in in the fish room when the door is closed and I'm in the lounge 10m away - my poor dogs sleep next to the fish room and have to listen to the noise all night long....
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