Live Rock

Kenyan, needs to be seen when it comes in fresh. I have never, on any other rock seen as much life. Granted one has to strip a lot off to cure it, but from a life point of veiw, its great.

from a biological filteration point of veiw I cant see it being any better or worse than any other rock.

From a pretty to look at and build with POV, if only the LFS would bring in the "green" rock more, its just as interesting as imported rock. The "red" rock is what everyone judges Kenyan rock by, unfortunately this is the round shaped boring to look at and difficult to build with rock.

Ask your LFS to order "Green" Kenyan rock from Wim and see the difference.

Smithers, the rock you saw has probably been in the LFS tank for ages without decent lighting, most life on it has died due to bad conditions normally found in live rock storage facilities.

Aptasisia has been introduced since its arrival, as it never ever comes with it.
Nice points there Rob. I got a few pieces of the green rock and they are a lot more interesting in shape. Seems to me to bit a lot flatter and great for building ledges.
Agree that the shape of Kenyan may not be as interesting.... however i have found, that in Kenyans favour, the volume to weight ratio is better. ie not heavier but lighter.....The variety of corraline growth is also amazing...

Copper i suggest you keep your ear to the ground and wait for a new shipment. I have found that individual pieces can vary in weight quiet considerably; so feel each piece. You can quickly feel the dead weight of a piece of sandstone
Thanks Sunburst, one the fiji LR last price I saw was R170-R225 per kilo. Anyone else seen better?
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