Our for sale forums exist as a free service that we offer to our members to trade or sell their reef related items. They are not intended in any form to be used as a commercial outlet or a perceived commercial outlet. Please keep in mind that although one does not have an actual online store or true storefront, the selling with the thought of making money, having a large inventory, a constant supply of a particular item or items, buying and reselling and other factors will at a minimum make you appear commercial. Being allowed to advertise your products in this forum is a privilege and not a right. Abuse of this privilege will result in action being taken against an account which may include suspensions or a permanent forum wide ban.
- The For Sale section is for selling of second hand goods only!
- You may not sell items on behalf of somebody else. This service is available to members of this site only. Listings advertising items for friends will be deleted.
- Photos MUST be added to all items listed. Photo's must be of the actual items for sale or the listing will be removed.
- Dealers who wish to sell their goods may do so after purchasing one of our Dealer Subscription Packages (sponsorship).
- Refrain from commenting unless you are interested in more details or are interested in buying. If you suspect any foul play, please use the report button and the moderating team will deal with all reports.
- Disputes must be conducted away from the public areas, either by PM or email.
Violations of any of these rules may result in account suspensions or the offending account being terminated.
Please have the courtesy to update your listing and close the listing once the item has been sold.
When selling your item(s) please try to include the following information
* Location:
* Who will handle shipping costs:
* Health and condition of any livestock:
* How old is the product:
* If you are browsing the classifieds and see something that you feel is priced high or not worth it. We ask you to take it up privately with the seller and not complain and berate the person selling the item.
* If you see an ad and you believe it to be a commercial post we ask that you notify a moderator or an admin and not get into an argument with the advertiser.
* If you purchase something and the deal does not go through, from either side of the deal, we ask that you take it up privately between yourselves and find a resolve to the problem and not hash it out on the forum.
* BE AWARE of conmen and scam artists. We strongly suggest face to face meetings with the seller.
www.marineaquariumsa.com, its staff or its owners cannot be held liable for any deals that don't go through as a result of buyer or seller problems.
Please note that we reserve the right to change the rules at any given time.
www.marineaquariumsa.com can not be held responsible for other users' actions or inactions and will not become involved in any disputes between buyers and sellers other than to administer the rules of the forum. MASA does not review user's listings and are not party to the actual transactions between buyers and sellers. You will not hold MASA responsible for the actions or inactions of buyers or sellers involved in transactions (whether such transactions are carried out on or off MASA) or for ensuring that they actually complete transactions.MASA has no control over, do not guarantee, and are not responsible for:
the quality, safety or legality of items advertised;
the truth or accuracy of listings;
the ability of sellers to sell items;
the ability of buyers to pay for items; or
whether a buyer or seller will actually complete a transaction. The buyer and seller accept sole responsibility for the legality of their actions under law.
By posting on this forum you are deemed to have agreed with and accepted the rules set out above.
Thank you for your understanding.