Renannchen's new tank

Tank looks great can't wait to see what you do with it!
HEy, just want to share some pics on my diy overflow....




Looks very very cool. One thing i have always wondered with these overflows is. Does all the air have to be completely removed from the syphon or does a little air remain at the top of the "U".
How do you prime the thing? Do you just block the drain pipes and then fill so that the complete overflow box is filled. Or do you have another method?
saw some supper cool corals and fish, moolis had some cool corals wanted to buy, but going to wait for my nano and then stock it, lanzo had very nice corals aswel and had 38 i think regal tangs in stock and some very nice LS. got myself some chromis and a hippo tang, jumping bean and star polyps from middasblenny, some very nice stuff...
i really dig your overflow....damn that looks nice.

Your tank looks really neatly done...well done:thumbup:
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