Hermit or not? ID it here.

4 Jun 2007
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Thanks for the link aswome pictures!
Wow, who would have thought there were so many different types, I see a local species there: Clibanarius virescens

Thanks of the info
Here is the text translated with babelfish: ( do not hold me to any grammer mistakes, I did a direct translation)

The invertebrates represents more than 95% of the species known on the Earth, they are animals without spinal column. Diversified, interesting, full with color and exceptional, the invertebrates are tall more for our aquariums. Among the invertebrates, there is the Bernard l' hermit (class of shellfish), with it only, it represents more than species identified in our oceans. The Bernard l' hermits are in general omnivorous, they s' attacks with the filamentous algae, the cyanobacteries, recommandépour erradiquer those. Certain as Paguritta are filterer. D' others like Dardanus, s' attack too with the anemones, snails (like the others in the event of research d' a new habitat) and with fish. Parmis species that l' one recommends out of aquarium récifal, there is the clibanarius of which most known is it tricolor, pagurists with the particularly effective P. Cadenati in the fight against the algae filamentous and Calcinus with like representative C. elegans and the tibicen. Aniculus are characterized by the presence of silks on its legs and grips. most required being l' With maximus. L' Aniculus is unsuited to l' aquarium récifal, it represents a danger to the invertebrates and the fish and certain announces even for the children (cfr Julian Sprung in Invertebrates) It is often of its size leaves a truth bouldozer and a danger to our fingers. Ciliopagurus have the particuliarity to choose shells of cone of to its body flattened, it becomes enough large and of this fact can present a danger to small fish and the corals of which it is nourished mucus. Dardanus is surely more the devastator because it nourishes fish but also of corals qu' it will have taken either to cut out soignesement right front, as its mode is varied enough, we never know which will be are next misdeed… Parmis the Bernard l' hermits who maintain a relation with d' other animals for the imitation or to protect itself, we have Manucomplanus varians which life with hydraires of the family of Janaria Mirabilis which wraps the shell qu' occupy pagure, it works out a calcareous skeleton and forms columns often taken for coral.
Yeah, it is almost 8 years old. Need to find a new site.
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