Article South African Local Marine Snails

The Good. The Bad. The Ugly.

At the reef expo 2013 I did a talk on local snails. It is covering just the most likely snails you could encounter while rock hopping or pool splashing.

The images are all courtesy of Sea Shells
But its difficult to navigate through thousands of snails found worldwide. Unless you already got a name.

Anyway, I will try and give short descriptions where ever I can.

first a disclaimer.
I am not an marine biologist. Neither a marine expert. Just lucky to have an Aunt in the snail collection hobby that guided me a lot. Thanks.


Very nice snails to get. Be careful, their operculum can cut you.

Strombus aurisdianae

Strombus decorus

Strombus gibberulus
Hi @RiaanP, is there any chance that you would be willing to update this thread, I am unable to view the identification pictures on page one. Going to Durban end of Dec and want to collect a Cuc.

Photobucket :m20:
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Updated, And what I want to say about Photobucket I'm not allowed to say those exact words here on the open forum.
YIP, or local name topshell.
First, were did you collect? Natal?
All looks like the same species. Part of the turbinidae family if not mistaken.
OK, that helps me.

Yes they are vegetarian, will confirm the correct name tonight from out of my snail books.

Note, these are colder water snails. And will not last that long in our warmer tanks. Yes they can handle warm tidal pool waters, but that is for short periods, until the next high tide. Out tanks at a constant 25 degrees is not what they are used to. Today's water temperature for Mossel Bay is 17.8°C
Thanks for the snail ID. Will the same water temp issue persist with sea weeds and grasses
Depends, does the same species exists in Northern Natal? If yes, then no problem.
Hi all, can anyone identify this snail , came from strandfontein cold water ,
part of the whelk family. Mostly they are vultures. Eat anything dead. You need to feed it small pieces of fish weekly.
Thanks a million Riaan , ended up returning him to where I found him though , breaking down the nano for a 3.5m which may be coming from my uncle very soon. :swim:don't know how I'm getting it from Struisbaai though .
Hi guys ,not sure if these are Nassarius gaudiosus ... they are very tiny , under 1cm. Are these baddies ?
Picture from the other side is far better. Plus about where you found them. But a quick look and I think these two are not the same family.
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