SPS recipes?? whats your secret??

Will tell u guys what happened to me tomorrow when i got time to type...
It was accidental but awesome results.
no additives or products in the world will beat stability and good husbandry :)
no additives or products in the world will beat stability and good husbandry :)

Totally agree. If you cant get stability and good husbandry right you will be wasting your time
As Dallas said....nothing beats plain old good husbandry and stable params....this is the foundation that I have built my success on.
I believe in the old school philosophy of lots of LR, macro algae, ATS and DSB....my only additive is lugols and the output from my CARX reactor.
Thanx for the reply guys.. jap i know stability is key.. but what i actually would like to know how did u guys get that stability in the tank?? What do u guys dose?? Is it on a doser?? What have u used and can see that it works??
well then here goes:
How i achieve stability:
1. No REGULAR water changes, i believe they cause instability by varying params to much. I will add salt water when toping up water i remove for acclimation or sump cleaning
2. I employ PO4 and NO3 removing media - Orca Bio-Cubes
3. I dose via doser for stability, I, K, Sr
4. Carx supplies Ca, Alk and Mg
5. Kalk attached to my RO top up
6. Keep Sump and Gravel clean
As Dallas said,

I have use two par dosing and my biggest problem is that I have to watch parameters the WHOLE time! With CaRX it is set and forget and oh yeah periodically check you CO2 bottle pressure....
Carx = calcium reactor
with the media used you can get calcium, magnesium and raise alk
How often do all you sps junkies do water changes. Recently heard one contradicting advice. Thanks
Really who? I never do water changes, but don't advocate it to someone who doesn't know what they are doing.
I probably do a waterchange once every 4 months...im getting stunnig growth on my sps.. but its time to upgrade so watch this space for maybe a new tank soon..
That's what I heard. Do I 50% 'reset' every 4-6 months but otherwise just keep you nutrients low and everything is chilled

I never do WC
How often do all you sps junkies do water changes. Recently heard one contradicting advice. Thanks

That's what I heard. Do I 50% 'reset' every 4-6 months but otherwise just keep you nutrients low and everything is chilled

Depending on the level of sps domination in your tank. A WC alone will never sustain your tanks needs. I have recently upgraded from dosing to a CARX. As I could not keep up with the ca needs of my tank
from monetary point of view.

You can do to your tank what ever you like. The onlything that you have to maintain is parameter stability. If you can not maintain your parameters correctly, no matter how much money you through at your tank, you will not be happy with your results.
I know now. Was doing 10% water changes weekly and as soon as I stopped for 3-4 weeks everything was looking better without water changes which was weird

I really don't have a problem with stability any more and have taken the plunge into the sps field

Setting up 2 part daily dosing with weekly magnesium dose works well I think... Just have to watch your parameters and now I can predict what the readings are going to be and I've only been wrongs by 0.2 dkh once and 15 ppm or calcium
It's good see that peeps are taking note of what is happening to their tanks over a LONG period of time, giving time for things to happen and change and then making their own conclusions about their tanks and working with their tanks needs.
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also noticed this thin layer of brown and green algae over the rocks recently after adding the corals but all parameters seem normal...could it be from the introduction of the coral itself?
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