What would you like to see us do differently?

Mr Koekemoer, can you see the clickie thingies at the top of the page now, is that what you are talking about?
Very nice Mr Viper sir
Well they are there and they work. Do we need them? I could rather just put links in the navbars (e.g. next to MASApedia)
What I would liek to see (and it has bothered me for a while) is less wasted space in messages posted. It seems to me there is too much happening in the left hand side box.

Take all posts directly above mine as examples. More than 80% of the individual posts are empty space, all due to the stuff (avatar, join date etc.) in the left box. Thsi means one has to scroll a lot more to read fewer posts.

Can't this be rearranged somehow to make it more compact?
What I would liek to see (and it has bothered me for a while) is less wasted space in messages posted. It seems to me there is too much happening in the left hand side box.

Take all posts directly above mine as examples. More than 80% of the individual posts are empty space, all due to the stuff (avatar, join date etc.) in the left box. Thsi means one has to scroll a lot more to read fewer posts.

Can't this be rearranged somehow to make it more compact?

Yeah I see your point, we could remove a couple of things and make some items smaller.

We could remove things like Join Date etc. and maybe use smaller graphics and make less spacing between items.
We could also reduce the avatar size from 150 to 100, but then lots of people would have to resize or change their avatars.

Thoughts on this?

Something like this
Better thanks Viper, but there is still room for further improvement to save the space i.e. smaller fonts and avatars, putting some information on same line instead of a different line (rg. Post count and Poster rank).

See this example from RC.

View attachment 67755 02/06/2008 08:26 AM View attachment 67756 View attachment 67757 View attachment 67758 View attachment 67759 View attachment 67760 View attachment 67761 View attachment 67762 View attachment 67763 The Saltman
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Location: Northwest Ohio
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I see a lot of people use Rowa Phos, but is there a difference in the GFO phosphate remover on bulkreefsupply.com and Row Phos?
I used to call this a hobby. An addiction is a more appropriate term now.
Hobby Experience: Long enough to be dangerous
Current Tanks: 210 in planning
Interests: reefing

At the end of the day this is not a really major issue, but it does make for, IMO, a better flow when reading threads.
Any better now Clinton? Only thing that's left is to reduce avatar size.
Can we not have some forum where feed back is given about new products that are tested by a member (Maybe one of the more experienced members) and honest critique is given.

I have seen this tried on other forums, it doesn't work and you end up in a world of pain, members accused of taking bribes from suppliers to give "good" reviews etc.
It should be a good idea, but it is open to abuse and i've seen very good members leave forums as a result.
Here's my 2c, I think the forum is great as it is, please do not change it too much. Maybe one suggestion why for administrators and moderators can't we add infractions:whistling:
Here's my 2c, I think the forum is great as it is, please do not change it too much. Maybe one suggestion why for administrators and moderators can't we add infractions:whistling:

You can report posts, just hit the yellow/red card and fill in the box
But you can't for Mods and admins.

I think we can still reduce wasted space by having the stuff under the avatar maybe rather added as a line next to the avatar, running from left to right across the screen.
how about putting all the photos in one big gallery , like on reefcentral.
And that is probably why there are one Indoena and a couple of mods, cause if we each have our way, page 01 will be 20 minutes long....LoL
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