Twenty Six Thousand litre Marine Pond !!!!!

even though the depth ranges overlap, i dont think the gem will do well long term at that temp, i tried 23 degrees for along time and things were healthier at 25 but it does depend on the fish, what do you keep the gem at now?
Oh my word, I am speachless. What a setup!!
even though the depth ranges overlap, i dont think the gem will do well long term at that temp, i tried 23 degrees for along time and things were healthier at 25 but it does depend on the fish, what do you keep the gem at now?
I keep my tank at 23 to 24 now
The pond is absolutely amazing! only thing is all the non reef safe fish so the lack of corals sucks a little.
WOW....I am speachless. I think I may be divorced if I got into that and the cost of salt water here is JHB would be a killer...

Awesome setup...
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is the pond made from concrete?

IIRC yes, but the concrete has been treated with a compound, someone like Sean Koekemoer may be able to offer more advice on this aspect.
Visited Pierre's pond the other day.
While the water has a slight yellow ting to it, the fish colours are amazing, way brighter than those in any tank I've seen. Fish are healthy and thriving.
He pulled his big stripped snapper out, was eating too many goldies and put it in the filtration sump. I waved my hand over the water, thing launched into the air, almost took my damn fingers off !!!

Unfortunately, he has a lot of dogs, so any mid night raids of the pond with my nets is going to be difficult:p
I would love to know too. Does water not influence this.
@AfricaOffroad think you need to visit this guy again. And take a camera with
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