bruces 3ft squared

That Pin Cushion does look BIG Bruce, I want it...lets talk. But I dont want to have to wait until June :p

...oh and the Gem, but I guess thats a discussion for another time.
3 bruces on the forum. swak! haha

Bruce had a big sand sifter so i think that contributed to the clean argonite..

let me give you ous a fish list since Bruce doesnt is never on and over his tank!

1x Gem
1x Yellow Tang
1x Sailfin Tang
4x Chromis
3x Local Anthias
1x Cooperi Anthias (i gladly caught for him)
2x Clowns
1x Cleaner Wrasse

1x Cleaner Shrimp
1x Harliquin Shrimp

I think that is all.. All this will probably be for sale...
wow, thanks for the comments. shot slummies for the PR work there. i would post bigger photoies but i dont have a camera, so mabye if you ask slummies if he could find a gap in his very very busy schedule to some take some pics ill post them for you. prob going to sell sometime this year cos im just loosing the love for it and when that happens it just ends up being a chore.
I see that Slummies can not sell my stuff - i will need to build up posts but as soon as i can i will put up stuff for sale
bruce this is one of the best tanks i have EVER seen, i can see you are very meticulous. i tried but i couldet get him to keep this beauty.

im sure your next tank will be just as exciting and beautiful..

the livestock is stunning and i love the fact that you did alot of the stuff (tank construction etc etc) yourself.

apologies for not taking the stuff i was interested in, but with my current tank situation im just not in a position to do so.

my phone being broken (washed0 dident help either.

stunning is an understatement.

good luch with parting with these magnificent specemins, i could not recomend healthier stock
Yup, will have a look, check when Bruce is on line. Wait & see.

I have enough LR.
hey les, thanks for the kind words about my tank, made wanting to sell up that little bit harder:(. no worries about the other stuff. hope everything works out with your new tank. sounds pretty insane.
shot buddy. one thing im sure of is that oneday when you want to you can do it again and dare i say better.

although you alredy set the standard very high.
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