Which MH bulbs?

leslie hempel

Professional Aquarist
7 May 2007
Reaction score
East London
guys i am going 150w DE and buying those shitty old reflectors due to unavailability of a decent one. i am going to try having the reflector chromed to get a little extra punch out of the globe but my question now turns to what bulbs to use?

i will be running 3 x hailides and wanted the middle to be a coralvue... but what bulbs are available giving off a whiter crisp light..


advice please.....

thanks les
In my opinion, there is not much that comes close to Aqua medic bulbs. (at least avail in SA) Nice colour and very decent par, just the price is a killer. Next best bet would be BLV. They are really awesome bulbs, and the 14K bulbs have a very crisp white colour.
I would also recommend replacing the aqua medic T5's with some decent T5 globes like Gieseman or ATI. I have used the AM blue bulbs for some time, and there really is no comparison w.r.t. lght output and colour appearance.
If you can get some phillips VHO actinics, I would run two of them and loose the T5's all together. Combined with BLV or AM MH bulbs, this should give you decent growth as well as great colouration and flourescence.
I'm using 400w blv 14000k ...cracking light, really clear white with a hint of blue
I have grown to like my BLV's but never had experience with AM. I rekon either one would be good.

I have a Phillips VHO 140W running now. You're welcome to come check it out.
Yip I'm running the 14K BLV's in 250W and getting phenomal growth.

I'm also running T5's and a 140W Phillips VHO which compliments the MH's nicely.
what is the price of the 14K 150W AM bulbs?
what is the price of the 14K 150W AM bulbs?
I have just had a look in my local store here in the UK and my owner friend knows the Aqua Medic Rep really well.

Aqua Medic have just released new bulbs which are absolute crackers which he has fitted to his display tank


A beautiful light I would have had them in an instant but they don't do them in 400w


Aquamedic Aqualine 16000
Double ended fitting high quality lamp with 16000 Kelvin output.

150w : 16000K RX7 (80982)
250w : 16000K FC2 (80983)

Really worth a serious look
I wonder what their PAR will be like?
Have used both BLV and AM and i must say i am now a BLV fan, nice crisp light and the corals have done really well under these globes. In a vote i would go BLV.
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