Whats a good coralline booster


8 May 2007
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Point Waterfront Durban
awrite everybody.share your secrets of boosting coralline algea.additives etc.
1) Up the magnesium
2) Seed with some fine powdered aragonite (dust) or calcium carbonate to create nucleation sites for coralline growth
3) The key though is meant to be calcium gluconate. - apparently this is coralline fertiliser
What you want to know?

From what I've read calcium gluconate is not a very good calcium source for corals but really boosts the growth of coralline algae (look around on WWM for more inof on this). For a comercial additive based on calcium gluconate you can try Seachem Reef Calcium. Alternatively you can try one of the chemical suppliers like Merck. I know you can buy from Savannah but it is over R50/kg and I think a bag is 25kg.
PATIENCE !!!!! the corraline will seed itself from existing growth !!!! i was also very impatient but when its takes off , u cant stop it .... also noticed that dosing of kalkwasser on top up as well using magnesium works wonders ....

i have seen the difference in my 6month old tank compared to my mates of +- 2years in respect of corraline growth !!!
I have been very lucky with my coralline. I use a range of things, Good salt, phosphate remover, good skimming, kalk, mg and some tropic marin goodies.
To be honest I do not know ! I dose Kalk once a week and just do regular water changes. Dose with TM Pro Coral Organic, Bio Mg, Pro Coral Mineral and Mille's salt. Good RO water seems to make a huge diff.
Maintaining calcium, magnesium and alkalinity levels and having an equal amount of blue and white tubes will promote coralline algae to flourish.
Maintaining calcium, magnesium and alkalinity levels and having an equal amount of blue and white tubes will promote coralline algae to flourish.
hopefully after i add on my calcium reactor my parameters should be spot on,not too much of fluctuation
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