What is this?


18 May 2007
Reaction score
Krugersdorp Gauteng
Can anyone identify this? It is growing on the glass.

Um, I think you're going to have to save that file to your pc then upload it to imageshack/reefclips/photobucket Rod. Or you can mail it to me...
Um, I think you're going to have to save that file to your pc then upload it to imageshack/reefclips/photobucket Rod. Or you can mail it to me...
Ok, I can see it because its on my computer? It was actually sent to me in an email.
Right Photobucket here I come.
Stand by one!
These were sent me by Wendy. Can anyone identify it please?



Eina, looks like flat worms to me, destroy via a six-line wrasse or there are a few other wrasses which eat this critter but not sure which.
Eina, looks like flat worms to me, destroy via a six-line wrasse or there are a few other wrasses which eat this critter but not sure which.
No Midas I dont think so. This is a big boy! I have had my invasion of planeria/flatworms so I will say no.
Compare with the mushroom near him.
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Hi Rod - does this thing move at all? If not, It can be some type of sponge or turnicate. I have similar things growing in my tank, but they are DEFINITELY not mobile, and I could not see anything negative effect of having them in my tank. They do like the "darker" areas of my tank though.....
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