What in your opinion would be the most important supplement to add in a reef to maintain a balance

21 Sep 2011
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Hey guys trust u well,
was just thinking in many of you guys opinions wat would you think the single most important supplement additive, you would think is the most important.
I was thinking magnesium well reason if this was off the calcuim optimum levels will not be reached .
Failing to achieve this level all other levels will be point less or unattainable!
Guys wats your take on this?
I think this thread will be helpfully to all of us .
excuse my errors if so
thanks guys our hobby rocks !!!!
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Agree with 459b, but...
I was thinking magnesium well reason if this was off the calcuim optimum levels will not be reached .
If I was forced to choose one it would probably be Magnesium, as this assists in keeping both Calcium and Alkalinity in balance.
I suggest CARX If right media(Caribsea) is used, it addresses ALK, CA, MG and trace elements (My important elements). It delivers it completely balanced as nature intended.

I have had SPS survive at an Alk of 5.6dkh (Negligence)
I'd go for water, as without it everything suffers. :banghead:
No seriously for me its one combination, Alk, Mag and cal.
guys wat about strotuim
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