Wazzzz up !!!!!!!!! ??

31 Aug 2007
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Wazz up people !!!!!

Me like the sea fsih thing in my home ! like you ! :)
Welcome Lawrence.

Please start a thread in the Member's Setups section and show us what you got.
hello and welcome to our forum, great to have another reefer on board:yeahdude: if you need any help , just let us know
Hi Lawrence, Welcome to the forum.

You got any zzzzzzzzebrasoma desjardinisssssssss in your tanks ????????????
Welcome dude.
best of luck with ur tank
i had 2 Anthia fish..orange... the first one lasted 2 days.... the second one lasted 1 month..... i think the people sold me a time bomb.... I also think wild caught fish are way too sensative... i am now sticking with tank bred clown fish.... one tomato and 2 damsels and comon clown.
Welcome to MASA Lawrence!how about some pics of your setup.the death of the fish sounds weired.post your water parameters here so we can check it out.and how old is your setup running for?did you acclimitise the fish before putting them in?sorry for all the questions :blushing:
my silly bored days.... i have a girlfriend now.. it helps

mmmm good Q man.... i am doing this thing for the first time... marines.. well it was running for 2 about months with litle fish that i caught in ponds i call the them Klip fisse :) then i added a heater... and they died of the new condittions all sorts of fungal infections... then a added the new fish about a week later....
the thing is i thought i did my research well... i only found out about the whole aclimatize fish before putting them in... feel a bit stuppid...:p R320 down the tiolet... oops...

the thing is i dont test my water... the test are way to expensive....
i read some where you dont need test... just a stable running tank...

well the Anthia fish "goldy" looked stressed in her last days and did not eat...
i was a bit slow te realize that i needed to do a water change....

ow well... i will stick to so called easy fish for now....

how do i add pics ? i have a few....

In a FOWLR you could probably get away with not testing but then your water changes need to happen religiously.

And yes, it's very important to acclimatise fish before adding to a tank.
"water changes need to happen religiously."
i do about 2 buckets of water every 2 weeks....
i have a 3 foot standard tank....

what do you recomend ?
you know what for a web site that is dedicated to fish your website is like a techno geek fare.... and you have to spend 2 years learning to operate your website just to be qualified enough to be able to upload a picture....

how about a manual on how to do stuff on your website ? i really would like to be qualified... and be able to operate fish website.... :)
Hello Lawrence, Techno Geek here at your service :D

What would you like to know?
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