my silly bored days.... i have a girlfriend now.. it helps
mmmm good Q man.... i am doing this thing for the first time... marines.. well it was running for 2 about months with litle fish that i caught in ponds i call the them Klip fisse
then i added a heater... and they died of the new condittions all sorts of fungal infections... then a added the new fish about a week later....
the thing is i thought i did my research well... i only found out about the whole aclimatize fish before putting them in... feel a bit stuppid...
R320 down the tiolet... oops...
the thing is i dont test my water... the test are way to expensive....
i read some where you dont need test... just a stable running tank...
well the Anthia fish "goldy" looked stressed in her last days and did not eat...
i was a bit slow te realize that i needed to do a water change....
ow well... i will stick to so called easy fish for now....
how do i add pics ? i have a few....