Water change Q

17 Oct 2013
Reaction score
West Rand
Something i dont understand.
My Nano is 102l, i do 25l water change every 2 week but then all the coral sulk for about 3 days. I haven't done one for 4 weeks now and everything is still very happy and opening up as they should....why is this happening.
Must i maybe change to only one 25L water change a Month:blush:
Hey bud, I have a 28G Nano and used to do water changes weekly. All my corals etc would be upset for a few days and my urchin wouldn't eat etc.

A mate of mine Vic_Za suggested maybe not doing the water changes so frequently and just monitoring levels and parameters. Since then, I haven't looked back.

Maybe a monthly change is the way to go for your tank ?
A few things could be happening

Temp swings
Introducing water from a polluted sore possibly worse than the levels in your system
Also just check your salsify as nsw has a higher sg
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