Urgent sailfin tang help

7 May 2007
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Ive got this +-25cm sialfin tang that has swallowed a rubber band that was hold down some zoos. now the rubber band is sticking out its poophole and the fish is in a lot of discomfort (i wud be too if something was sticking out my backside) ... what shud i do help pls ......
:lol::lol::lol::lol: Sorry man, but that's really funny. I can't help. Don't know if you could catch it and try pull it out? no idea.
dude thats a hard one never experianced it before. try and catch him and keep him in qt so that maybe you get some good advice.

Ok phoned a friend here he reckons slowly pull it out. but i would be s%$* scared to do that.

Good luck.
which part is funny dean ??? well u wana feel sorry for this fish but the way he's darting from this side of the tank to other u just gotta smile ...... thought of yanking it off but might cause damage
Just don't pull it hard and then let go! :D

Surely if it's already coming out if should continue to pass through until it's completely out?
On behalf of afsal




I know its terrible , but this is kinda funny . hope the fish will be OK Afsal.
I would advise against trying to pull it out. You run the risk of pulling a section of the intestines out to. IMO the best option is to wait for a day or so to let nature take its course. If nothing happens then look at othber options.
its still stuck , fish is eating and not so stressed anymore , havent seen it poop though
Probably has some constipation. I reckon if there's no movement you will have no choice but to pull it out. The rubber band can inflame it's intestines.As soon as he stops eating you gonna have to help out.
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