
That sucks Les, its funny how its usually family rather other ppl that screw one over. I speak from experience on this too. :(

Hmm or it could just be a Gonubie thing?? ;):lol:
Sorry to hear Les.. Now thats Family for you! Have been down that road to many times myself, but know they know if they try and screw me over they burn that bridge and I never help them again.. I hope you get sorted there bud
Sorry to hear Les, send them a ****cake for Xmas!;)

Sorry to hear Les :( That's the reason why I prefer not to deal with family.

As the old saying goes, "Family and business don't mix",

Here's a motto to adopt?:whistling:

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:lol: That is brilliant
Eish sorry to hear about it Leslie. I am with Mekaeel on this dont deal with family i would rather give advice and point them where to go
well in a positive light i was on my way home last night when i recieved an sms from him requesting that we put our differences aside.... i was only too happy to agree.... lets see what happens.. im open to a second chance in the interests of keeping peace in the family...
Well good for you Les! Just dont let it burn the fingers again bud. Its funny how they all of a sudden realise oh hell were do I go to now for help!
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