Tysons mini cooper S

23 Jun 2007
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hi guys

this is just a little taste of my system...

tank size .800 x .500 x .500mm

2 x T5 24w (1 blue/ 1 white)
2 x T8 20w (i blue / 1 white)
2 x seio pumps (thanks to uncle garth)
1 x jebo skimmer (i know, i know. les is onto me about getting a TS1)
sump/DSB same size as tank with 12cm of sugar grain size sea sand... (live) and 5kg kenyan LR on a suspended eggcrate platform....
i also have 2 x 6500k energy savers over my sump containing cheato...
1 x 2000lph return pump
1 x 200w heater
15kg LR for main display

i am in the process of adding 2 more T5 24w (another 1 blue and 1 white) in place of the T8's and hope to add reflectors when i do this...
i am looking to add a 10000k metal hailide sometime early next year when finance allows. (i am still a student)...

the system currently contains a variety of softies and LPS and one sps... i hope to go fully into sps as soon as i learn more about them....

let me know what you think..

i only have 2 fish in the tank (1 goldie and a jumping bean).... i am looking to add one or two more..

i have a bit of a problem with aptasia and am looking for something that will naturally sort it out.. i think this tank is a bit small for a copperband and i am hoping to find some peppermint shrimps... can anybody help me find some??

i just noticed that for some reason my fish like posing in the same place...:lol:
Hey tyson, welcome to the forum :)

Nice looking tank you got there, how about some more pictures....of everything :D
Hi Tyson welcome to MASA, we love pics on this site, we neem to see the engine room too. The upgrade of a skimmer will make a big difference to your system.
Welcome Tyson, very nice setup.

Pics of the engine room will be awesome.
Hi Tyson.

Glad you joined us. I see you found the site OK.

More pics wanted by the way.
i had a jebo just ordered a reef octopus dmw150(cant remember rest of the code)
pics are a bit of a problem now my camera is in 4 repairs will try as soon as possible!
Most of us started of with a jebo, I still have two will one day hook them up on a small tank
I am still in the process of getting a ocean runner 305 4 return and a new set of t5's
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