Hey Hey!!!
Do anyone know were can i buy turbos and nerite's snails in pretoria or in S.A???
Because my lokal stores haven't got any (lets just say they don't ever get it in).
I need a cleaner crew for algae in my 250L tank(got a algae bloom after i added 2 MH 150W each)my tank is running now for 20 months.It's strting to get better i'm doing a 10% Wc Every week.
Any help would be nice

Do anyone know were can i buy turbos and nerite's snails in pretoria or in S.A???
Because my lokal stores haven't got any (lets just say they don't ever get it in).
I need a cleaner crew for algae in my 250L tank(got a algae bloom after i added 2 MH 150W each)my tank is running now for 20 months.It's strting to get better i'm doing a 10% Wc Every week.
Any help would be nice