Tunze CaCo3


8 May 2007
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Point Waterfront Durban
howzit guys.ive replaced the media in my calcium reactor to the tunze brand.is there any specific ph settings on the ph controller that is required to help dissolve this media?my reactor previously had the ARM media and the ph controller was set at 6.8.should i just leave it this way?
I have recently topped up my reactor with the same media, and run it slightly lower. (6.6) Measure your reactor effluent alk and adjust accordingly.
It is a total diff way of setting up a reactor, but to me it makes sence as you then know that the media is been desolved, you can also push it up to 35dKH.
I am getting my new ph meter from andrew today so I will tell you the PH as well. My hanna one gives me greef and don't trust it.

I can send the PDF from Germany if you like. Have tried cut and past but does not work well.
At pH of 6.6, I am getting an alk reading of 31dkh leaving my reactor.....

Yes, the tunze media is slightly larger than the caribsea media. This will only be temporary, as when it dissolves, it will start fluidising again.

An added benefit of the Tunze media is that it does not contain any PO4. This of course at the expense of natural stuff which contain Mg, Sr and other trace elements..
Thats fine, I would advise slightly higher alk and lower Ca, but better to rather not fiddle at the moment.
Just leave it as is and measure those parameters regularly.
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