Hi Anybody else had problems with the needle wheel fitted to the OTP-2000 fitted to the TS2 Skimmer? I have had two breakup on me. By this I mean the plastic pin wheels separating.
Not at all. In my opinion extremely good value for money to performance ratio. I learnt the hard way and went through 4 different skimmers before eventually buying a Reeftek TS3, as far as I am concerned one of the best purchases I ever made for my tank. The performance of this skimmer is outstanding, some guys have run them in tandem with the big Deltec skimmers and the Deltec's pretty much came to a grinding halt compared to the Octopus and Reeftek skimmers.What are we saying, these products are dodgy ? batch problems ? entire range ?
Ok I see where the confusion is, this thread is called TS2 - Reef Octopus, it should be TS2 - Reeftek.
Reeftek Skimmers are all in-sump skimmers, TS1, TS2, TS3 and TS4
Reef Octopus are all external skimmers, DNW-200 etc.