OK, to jump in here,
I do with my DIY skimmer (still adjusting after I had to modify it) a bit wet. Also when I adjust it to dry. it takes ages to skim half a cup. Currently I have it more or less setup properly, with a constant black skimming I have to clean about every week.
My feeding tho is as such: daily I feed bits and flakes (only 2 clowns, PB, Mandarin and Midas B - oh, and a local boelie - not sure of the name, that my 4year old daughter caught by luck, so I had to put it in...) and every 3rd night some frozen marine mix and larger pink prawn or squid for the softies (Brain, frog, etc)
Hence - bio load is not great, but I am over feeding probably. I suppose as long as there's skimmate coming, and you're happy with it (i like wetter), then there shouldn't be any hasstles.
just my LONG 2c, hehe