RSS Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine transitioning to bimonthly format

MASA Admin

8 May 2007
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Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine is shifting from a monthly publication to a bimonthly format beginning with the upcoming September issue, now becoming the September/October 2015 issue.

One good bit of news however, is if you sign up by today (July 31), you can get 12 print issues (two years worth) and the digital format for $28 — basically saving 50% off by using discount code 73115 after hitting the subscribe now feature on their website

Going from 12 issues a year to six is a tough transition for many of us hobbyists that enjoy going old school with a glossy mag to get our hands on. But it is sadly just a sign of the times as the publishing industry grapples with the digital format.

I personally remember getting pulled into the saltwater world in the 90s from this magazine and would pour over all the ads in the back for equipment deals. Although the pace of information the internet provides is astounding, allowing us to bring a continuous flow of great content here on Reef Builders, it is still nice to go analog from time to time.

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