Titus Cube


26 Jun 2007
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Victory Park, JHB
Hey gang,

i thought i will start up a thread for you for my new cube.

Im seriously looking forward to it.

Dimensions are as follows 900x900x650.

running a CLS with two Haleia 6650 pumps, and a baffle type C2cC

Here a few sneak peaks as to what my baby gonna look like

Looks very good, what you planning on keeping?
Gonna be mainly an SPS tank with a few LPS and maybe one or two softies. then few normal common fish then a few special ones.
Wow nice size, its going to be great. Love these cubes, is it going to be in the middle of a room or n a corner?
Awesome Titus, I love seeing a dream being born.

Keep the updates rolling ;)
thanx guys. the glass has been ordered so as soon as its here will get started with getting the tank built. gonna use black silicone, but wanna check out some crystal silicone as well but will prob go with black

gonna go be kinda in the middle of a room against the wall. wanna be able to c it from all sides.

getting seriously excited about this. i often lie in bed thinking about it and i often catch myslef day dreaming about it during the day. lol bloody reefneck :lol:
Any updates Titus?

By your signature I take it you ordered Starfire glass? If so where did you get and has it arrived yet. Pics would be great!!
Hey guys, sorry for not replying for so long and not giving updates.

things hav been bit slow as ive hav had to wait to be paid to order the glass, worked out alot more than what i thought it would cost, so had to wait for that.

So here whats happening, im ordering skimmer and glass 2moro. bloody expensive, but i thought if im gonna do this tank, might as well do it properly. go big or go home i say. and besides it gonna be awesome and well worth getting the starfire.

so hopefully the tank should be built soon. going to be setting up a DSB in the mean time to save time with maturing that. getting some LS from Mr Phat. So gonna throw that in my DSB to give it a kick start.

As for lighting, gonna be running 150W MH 14k and add a few actinics for some extra blue. should do the trick.

Going to try and get as much stuff as i can now to get things rolling and hopefully get the tank cycling this month with the bare essentials.

Oh here a pic of skimmer that im getting. my little beast, not the biggest, but still my little beast, Reefocto Recirc DNW 200

And here is what im gonna be running on the CLS, bloody beast this thing. awesome little pump.

Rated at 16 000L\H so should provide enough current. i worked it out, i will be getting around 30X turn over in the tank with this thing running at full tilt

No pics just yet, but as soon as i hav got glass and skimmer n things will post pics of them

Thats it for now. Let me know what ya think.
Hey Titus,
What is the name of that pump and where did you get it from?
hey titus just check your electrical consumption of that pump if i remember they chow juice.... stand to correction though.....
Was with Carl, Reefer and Titus this afternoon chatting about the tank, gonna be a stunner can't wait till its up and viewable..
Leslie i think its really much of a muchness regarding the pump. Whether you run 3 pumps that draw the same as one big one or just have one big one.... its like a pond if you want the whole thing to run properly then unfortunately one will have to pay the costs or not have it. thats how i see it.

Nice one Neil cant wait to see it up and running
Awvince and Shane, its an ESPA piceis 3. awesome pump. getting it thru Carl and Reefer

not to worried about the elec consumption really Les. like Reefer, its either 3 or 4 power heads or one big pump, and not keen on anything inside my tank, so dont mind paying for what im getting, just want as clean looking tank thats as natural as possibe. so not bothered about what elec it chows. dont think its bad tho.
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