RSS The Envelope is a touching movie about the passion for reef aquariums

MASA Admin

8 May 2007
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“The Envelope” is a new video released by Kessil to promote their forthcoming new Kessil A700 LED fixture, but really it’s so much more than a promotional video. With only a tiny bit of product placement throughout the seven minute clip, this touching short film is an attempt to really capture what it means to be a reefer.

The artfulness of this mini-feature is greatly enhanced by doing away with any dialogue, and instead focusing on the little things, the subtle joys, the small guilty pleasures that we reefers relish. Once you’ve had a reef tank for a long time, there definitely comes a time when we are looking forward to getting that new coral frag, an improved protein skimmer, and especially a fancy new LED light to make our corals happier, to help them look better, and so much more.

Having been fortunate enough to unbox the Kessil AP700 ourselves a short few months ago, we can strongly relate to the joy that The Envelope’s main character experiences when opening such a fancy box, and revealing the even shinier and swanky LED light fixture within. Promotional nature aside, The Envelope is the kind of short film we reefers can send to our family members and friends, who ask us the most poignant of questions, which is why we love to keep reef tanks.

The Envelope - YouTube
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