The Dog is in trouble

7 May 2007
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Capital of India
Here is a laugh for the blokes who don't know what shit i'm in:

A few weeks ago, my chihuahua bit one of the maids at work on her calf (i bring him and the jack russel to work everyday). As you can imagine, he didn't do much damage as he is knee high to a flea.

Well, she subsequently laid charges agianst me for keeping of a "vicious Dog". The cops came here and whipped me off to the stasie to have my fingerprints etc done. I appeared in court yesterday. Was meant to start at 8-30, and the judge chose to arrive at 10-15, and took a break for tea at 10-45. I was eventually seen at 12. My case has been remanded till the 18 July.

If i am somehow found guilty, this will have serious implications. I a a registered dog breeder, and having this charge against me wil mean that i will have to have a hearing with the Kennel Union of South Africa, to see if i am fit to breed pedigreed dogs.

Here is my vicious dog:


Now you see were your tax money is being wasted by pathetic detectives who do not see when someone is trying to take advantage of the system, and by overpaid judges who earn close on half a bar a year to choose when they will begin work.

Have a good laugh guys, i did.

I suggest when you go back to court you need to take your Chihauhau along, dress it up in nice pink clothes (even if it is a male), a pink bonnet on it's head al la Paris Hilton.

When they see the size of it and how pathetic it looks the case will hopefully be thrown out of court.
One of the directors here at work is a judge, he is going to help me try and get out of this. But unfortunately the pubic prosecutor and the judge see that i am white, and are trying to protect the people that earn below the tax bracket.
That's one mean mofo. I think your dog needs to be fined for riding a bike without a helmet.

Hope the courts rule in you favour.

Damn man, I suggest you go get a thick chain for that vicious killer beast. A monster like that cannot be allowed to roam freely... :rofl:
The maid was constantly intimidating the dog, she kept kicking it until it did what was natural and defended itself by biting it's attacker. It's no fault of your's, if the maid had just left the dog alone instead of terrorising it the dog would not have bitten her.
Dean, that is one of the arguments i am going to use. I have a list from Rent a Maid of all the ladies we've had from them in the last 12 months. My point to them will be that we had all these other women, but he only bit this one. I reckon she must have intimidated him.

If only i had his big brother here instead of him. Then i would just have had to dig a hole to bury the body instead of going through all this crap.
Man this is pathetic - as Clinton said take the dog with you and show the judge just how scary the dog is!
Get a lawyer! This kind of thing can get out of hand. Do not take it lightly! Good luck Dobe.
Brace yourselves... here are some more photo's of my killer hound:


Don't let the cute look fool you, he is one bad dude:

He's not cool mate, he's a real killer.

As Copperband said, a Cereal Killer.
EJ you should go to the newspapers with this, they always looking for stories to make our legal system look as stupid as it is..
u need to call rent a maid , get the other maids in as witnesses as to the temprement of your dog .... im sure they'll testify unless they wana help their colleague out !!!
Truly pathetic. My daughters case was thrown out of court as they wanted my 5yr old to stand and testify ! WTF, What sort of legal system do we have here. Child molesters do not even get punished, Mekaeels burglars are carrying on NOW they are up in arms about a dog that is knee height to a grass hopper.
I wish there was a judge on this site just to see how pathetic our legal system is.
Least I know my tax money is going somewhere safe !
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