Here is a laugh for the blokes who don't know what shit i'm in:
A few weeks ago, my chihuahua bit one of the maids at work on her calf (i bring him and the jack russel to work everyday). As you can imagine, he didn't do much damage as he is knee high to a flea.
Well, she subsequently laid charges agianst me for keeping of a "vicious Dog". The cops came here and whipped me off to the stasie to have my fingerprints etc done. I appeared in court yesterday. Was meant to start at 8-30, and the judge chose to arrive at 10-15, and took a break for tea at 10-45. I was eventually seen at 12. My case has been remanded till the 18 July.
If i am somehow found guilty, this will have serious implications. I a a registered dog breeder, and having this charge against me wil mean that i will have to have a hearing with the Kennel Union of South Africa, to see if i am fit to breed pedigreed dogs.
Here is my vicious dog:
Now you see were your tax money is being wasted by pathetic detectives who do not see when someone is trying to take advantage of the system, and by overpaid judges who earn close on half a bar a year to choose when they will begin work.
Have a good laugh guys, i did.
A few weeks ago, my chihuahua bit one of the maids at work on her calf (i bring him and the jack russel to work everyday). As you can imagine, he didn't do much damage as he is knee high to a flea.
Well, she subsequently laid charges agianst me for keeping of a "vicious Dog". The cops came here and whipped me off to the stasie to have my fingerprints etc done. I appeared in court yesterday. Was meant to start at 8-30, and the judge chose to arrive at 10-15, and took a break for tea at 10-45. I was eventually seen at 12. My case has been remanded till the 18 July.
If i am somehow found guilty, this will have serious implications. I a a registered dog breeder, and having this charge against me wil mean that i will have to have a hearing with the Kennel Union of South Africa, to see if i am fit to breed pedigreed dogs.
Here is my vicious dog:
Now you see were your tax money is being wasted by pathetic detectives who do not see when someone is trying to take advantage of the system, and by overpaid judges who earn close on half a bar a year to choose when they will begin work.
Have a good laugh guys, i did.