The Conch Aqua Wavemaker clan

leslie hempel

Professional Aquarist
7 May 2007
Reaction score
East London
I got my hands on these little powerful pumps and i am simply blown away!

Currently 2 models in SA


The profile for flow ratio is amazing

Here is a pic of the Slim~8 (500 - 15000lph @24w) compared to a 6105 Tunze of almost equal flow (13000lph @ 35w).



It's looks amazing nice and small for smaller tanks you any idea what the flow rate is for the slim 7
Great seems like it wil be just right for my nano wil save some space aswell
Can you adjust the direction of the flow produced or, like the Ecotech wavemakers, do they only flow straight?

The Slim~7 comes with a small angled adapter to allow you limited direction adjustment of the pump but the Slim~8 does not come with this additional piece.

Quick vid clip of pump in action.

I have tested the 7 & 8 on 10 and 12mm glass thicknesses and they stick perfectly.

images (13).jpeg
the outside magnet, how thick is it?
The Slim~7 comes with a small angled adapter to allow you limited direction adjustment of the pump but the Slim~8 does not come with this additional piece.

Quick vid clip of pump in action.

I have tested the 7 & 8 on 10 and 12mm glass thicknesses and they stick perfectly.

images (13).jpeg

Ive always had a issue with the bulky wavemakers and how unsightly they normally make a spectacular tank. These guys are on the right track with their design. BRILLIANT.
There is a light sensor positioned on the back of the controller which helps to pick up when the lights go out if stuck onto the main DT side glass.

This helps put the pumps Into a "night mode".


My tank stands 10mm from the wall.

Must use braai tongs to get into there.
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