Thalion and Wee Man's thread ;) AKA Mike

Some breeders look at day 1. It is said that at 8 weeks they are a mirror image as an adult. The prob with teeth is they change can be fine at 6m but at 1 y they can be wrong.
Looking at parents is where line breeding comes in.

Oh I mean I have never posted pic's of my tank on this forum....:whistling:

Hay nobody has buged me about it.

You got away with it so far, and you're safe in this thread, we seem to be left alone in here, we could say what we like, i know lets see how many mods we can insult before they notice:) :)

I'll start.... Oi Viper, i heard your wife calls you justin;)
I am a small fish in this Forum, and get by unnoticed.

Hey said something fishy.:yeahdude:

We must both be small fry, either that or we're just boring the pants off all the weird type that don't like staffs:whistling:
Do you know the mods suck.

Yes they suck on the end of the hose then they do a water change.

Was that a bit too much, they have been looking in now and again..

Hehe, nah i think we bored 'em to death ages ago, got to go dude, i'm taking my wife out for her birthday, speak tomorrow, and we'll work the mods over a bit;)

I'm waiting for the pics of your tank Thalion...
Interested in your comments.
Sorry, missed this one (at home i can't see many of the pictures due to my 3G card)

Chunky little girl (head looks a bit small for a fella) she looks very much like your avatar - is she one of the pups? nice colours too lots of white with the red.
Over all, a nice stocky little dog, still got the dew claws on - do you need to keep them for show dogs?

Just out of interest do you have many problems with sunburn on the white dogs? i have a friend with a white dog (pink skin too) and the vet told her to watch him in the sun after she noticed his skin was rather red, and what with South Africa getting more sun in a week than we get in a year i just wondered how you coped.
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