Stocking a tank with Micro bubbles?


15 Apr 2009
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Hi Guys,

My tank has been cycling for almost a month now, I still have lots of micro bubbles though. Tank parameters have been stable for the last 2 weeks. as I have dosed with stability from day one. My question is, can I start to stock my tank with the micro bubbles? Will it harm the fish and corals in any way? I have the Aquaria nano 120l.

Thanks in advance
By micro bubbles do u mean on the algae on the substrate and rocks.

No, I mean micro bubbles from the skimmer - these skimmers take a while to break in.
My skimmer does this everytime i change my filter sock. I haven't noticed any harm to my fish but i do notice that they are not very fond of it. They kind of move to the bottom of the tank and hang around there, then normally when they are everywhere. It is also a very fast movement of the fish, the minute the microbubbles pour through the return outlet, they dart straight down.
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