A statement from Minister Babalaas-Msimang
"Although I was Absinthe from the office for several months, I wish to remind you that I Amstel the Minister of Health, am not a dictator but I Amarula and I will continue to Rum the Department of Health," she stated, announcing her return to office.
When quizzed on her health, she mentioned she had recovered well. "Of course I am well, she retorted. "I am more than well - I am OKWV! Ask a stupid question and get a stupid Hansa. Despite being asked about her new liver, she made no reference to the Morgan transplant.
President Mbeki has rallied around his friend: "She has my Absolut support. That is why I wiped the silly Smirnoff her deputy's face! The opposition will not be able Tequila career." Let's face it, no matter how many times the DA has stirred, the Minister appears unshaken and despite her career being on the rocks, she is still a Mainstay of the ANC government.
"Although I was Absinthe from the office for several months, I wish to remind you that I Amstel the Minister of Health, am not a dictator but I Amarula and I will continue to Rum the Department of Health," she stated, announcing her return to office.
When quizzed on her health, she mentioned she had recovered well. "Of course I am well, she retorted. "I am more than well - I am OKWV! Ask a stupid question and get a stupid Hansa. Despite being asked about her new liver, she made no reference to the Morgan transplant.
President Mbeki has rallied around his friend: "She has my Absolut support. That is why I wiped the silly Smirnoff her deputy's face! The opposition will not be able Tequila career." Let's face it, no matter how many times the DA has stirred, the Minister appears unshaken and despite her career being on the rocks, she is still a Mainstay of the ANC government.