Started Planted Setup

Just 3... :lol:

2 marine, 1 FW


I am setting up another soon for an attempt to breed a rare S. American Loricadae.... much to my wife's dismay.
R many lights are in there?

Just one per unit. It's power compacts. If you can get hold of 2ft T5 6500K good luck and let me know please. I looked everywhere. Although I think these lights are easier to install as there are no seperate ballasts etc.

Is it not AquaH2O that makes them? My LFS has quad units but not sure if they come in 2ft. Anyways, if you find 6,500K (or close) tubes please let me know. 10,000K ones will work but you have to add more then.
Wow Alan, there is some really really awesome setups there!! Some nice plants. I am really struggling to get hold of nice plants in SA. Been looking for Eleocharis Parvula for like forever.
Hi Gali, you seem to have researched this quite a bit. Can you answer two questions for me. Do these plants take up waste nutrients from the water column. Can you use plants in a discus setup for waste removal and the sort instead of floss and bio balls.

Yes, plants do take up nutrients. Works especially well for nitrates. You won't find many planted aquariums running carbon.

As for your second question, yes, you can. And it's one of the best and most beautiful fish for the planted aquarium.

I must add though for my own peace of mind, that if you run CO2, and you should if you are serious about planted aquariums, that you use a pH probe/controller. Dosing CO2 can drop your pH very low at night when the plants start producing CO2 as well. When it comes to Discus, this is even more important as they don't like pH changes of any extent.
Sorry Imran,

I didn't read the last part. I wouldn't say "instead" of bioballs and floss. I would still run at least floss or some form of mechanical filtration.
would love to do a planted tank with todays technologhy... fill with neons and cardinals......
Awvince a planted discus tank is a challange that will equal a marine tank, you still have to run your bio filters as the plants cannot take up all the waste, discus are big eaters and should be fed often, lemme see if i can still find pics of my tank before i went marine.
Hell i know i am a bad photographier now, back then i was plain k@k and it was a cheap camera on top of it.




My My Alan - think we need to call you the fish Guru from now on...that tank looked awesome...
very nice Alan, in fact stunning
still love a planted FW setup
Holy makrel Alan, very nice. Would you please please tell me what type of filteration you had running on that system.
I had 3 eheim canasters fed directly from a overflow.
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