Spouses comments...

7 May 2007
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I'm sure most of us get all sorts of moaning and comments from our spouse or partner, about our tanks... So lets hear them.
Here are a few of mine:

Hey... That dishcloth is for the kitchen and not the fishtank!

Why is there always water on the floor in front of the tank...one day i'm gonna slip and break my neck!

I can't sleep... the fishtank is making too much noise!

Why is there toilet paper superglued to the coffee table?
We are always broke because the fishtank uses so much water and electricity! (if only she knew... Those are the least of the tanks expenses)

Hey... Thats a dinner plate, not a cutting board for fishfood!

Why is there so much salt on the wall and floor?

You pay more attention to that bladdy thing than me!

If the RO machine floods my kitchen again... I'm moving out!

Hey... I was still using that stocking!
Why is there toilet paper superglued to the coffee table?

What's that got to do with your fish tank, you can't like it that much;)

My missus don't say anything, she just give me the "look" everytime i come home with anything bound for the fishtank.:)
:lol: i work on the coffee table when glueing my frags... Use the toilet paper to dry the surfaces... And wipe excess glue.

Latest one...
What happened to all my bicarb? Now you not getting any bran muffins for lunch!
Latest one...
What happened to all my bicarb? Now you not getting any bran muffins for lunch!

thats excellent as it means you wont be running to the toilet five times an hour!!!

comments I get are along the lines of... you spend so much on your tank, youll never be able to afford your own place

youd rather spend time looking/ fiddling with your tank than with me
i am damn lucky.my wife is with me all the way with the tank.she wants a bigger tank and before we slept last night,she said to me that her favourite fish is the 'Acanthurus Achilles' and her favourite coral is 'Seriatopora Hysterix'.i was freaking shoked that she new the scientific names lol
i am damn lucky.my wife is with me all the way with the tank.she wants a bigger tank and before we slept last night,she said to me that her favourite fish is the 'Acanthurus Achilles' and her favourite coral is 'Seriatopora Hysterix'.i was freaking shoked that she new the scientific names lol

youre lucky... my girlfriend wants a "Nemo"
:1: Ahh men well i think i got it "great" my wife comes specimen hunting with me and even catches her own stuff, not much but she has caught a few gems,She will help when i need it even with water changes, and if im out of town she gives me a run down of the day's happening's with the tank.......

Only if i pay for her horse and vet bills $$$$$$$ bloody thing costs more than my system every month.;)
youd rather spend time looking/ fiddling with your tank than with me
send her this way nancy boy , il do a lot of fiddling with her ;) ;)
My 3 most common are:
When did you get that new fish?
How much electricity does that thing use?
All you think about is your bloody fish tank!
I had to choose, the fish tank or the wife and family

I got a beautiful tank now
lol only thing i get is, you need corals that move in that strong current :p
Ha Ha I have heard most of these.

One to add. "Don't even tell me how much that costs, I know your going to lie anyway"
Sometimes: Have you worked out howmuch the tank costs up to now?

My tank is in a room that used to be a bar and does not stress her all the time: Are you packing your tools away tonight?
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