special blend

11 Mar 2013
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oslo beach
Hey Masa
Is there a alternative to special blend as i cannot get at any of my lfs. They have a brand nutrifert cycle start or tank start .
Does tetra have a product i can use ?
None of the lfs in Margate and shelly beach stock marine products , is there an alternative i can use ? Otherwise I'll make a trip to Durban to get some . I'd like to add something before i add the live rock
You do not need really need any starter bacteria to cycle your tank. It just helps to speed up the cycle.
Bacteria will populate all over your tank...adding bacteria is not just for populating your rock...old folk stories...stick to your idea...add some bacteria if you can get some. Else, its not a train smash if you cant get some now...
Bacteria will populate all over your tank...adding bacteria is not just for populating your rock...old folk stories...stick to your idea...add some bacteria if you can get some. Else, its not a train smash if you cant get some now...

It will populate all over your tank, but Liverock is the most porous so that is where most of the bacteria will colonize.
plenty suppliers with stability in your area...we just supplied a new shop in toti last week with the product too
As far as I know one can dose special blend as a maintanance dose as well. Just check the bottle. Won't cause any harm if you dose it. It just add bacteria to your tank.
I do maintenance dosages and it works wonders. Before I used to clean my rank 2 times a week to keep the glass clean, now I only to it every two weeks... Also everything in the tank has been thriving. I vouch for special blend
Imo it foesn't really matter which you add first
My logic is:
You don't need to dose bacteria if you have live rock. But you can.
You don't even need to add live rock to a tank to run a tank if you dose some bacteria
That says to me that its really six of one half a dozen of the other.
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