Smithers setup

7 May 2007
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With my tank on the way to be sorted out I thought I would share with you my tank experience. I decided shortly after I got divorced that a marine tank would moan less than my ex-wife and may be easier to look after. I was wrong.

The pet shop that built my tank had little knowledge of marine and gave me some bad advice. 2 T8's would be enough , Jebo skimmer would handle any system, bio balls etc etc.
After 3 months of watching a tank with a little Live rock mature I started to add some fish. 2 Clowns and some dominos were the first inhabitants and they did rather well.
I was under the impression at the time that skimmers were skimmers and lights are all the same. I had no idea about Kelvin rating and par output.
I added an anenome and he was fine for 2 or 3 weeks, then he started to turn a bit pale. The petshop I got the tank from kept up with his bit about T8's being great so I added another 2 of them. The tank was brighter and the nenny looked better.
Time went on and I added another 2 T8's. The tank was getting there and so was the algea. The tank was not heavily stocked and my little jebo was pulling out some skimmate.
I then went off to Northlands, Shaun gave me some good advice and I got my first T5's. Out came some T8's and in went the T5's. The change was incredible. My once almost transparrent nenny started to go brown.

About this time I joined a marine forum and sucked up as much info as I could.
All this new info blew my mind. Removed All the T8's, removed bio balls and replaced the skimmer.
Added the Reektek RS2 and the tank stared to turn around after about a week. Previously I had battled with Nitrates and now they were slowly dropping. About the same time I also started to get my RO from a diff. pet shop as the one I was using was basically just selling tap water as his RO unit was dead.

Without the help of the members of our local forums I think I would be another drop out statistic. After almost 2 years here is what my tank is now sitting at.

Tank - 1200 x 600 x 450
Sump - 1200 x 35 x 25
Lighting - 6 T5's - AM, ATI and Geisseman (This combo give a nice crisp effect for me)
Skimmer - Reeftek RS2
Return Pump - 3000 LPH going to be replace with either a Rio or AM
Flow in Tank - 2 Tunze Nano Stream 6045 and 2 Seio 1100's
Rock - about 60kgs - Extra 30 in sump

Equipment on the way
Haliea HL380 Chiller
Saga Autotop up
BLV MH 14K bulbs

8 Goldies
2 Yellow headed jawfish
1 Blue Damsel
1 Maroon Clown
2 Brown surgeons
1 Bristletooth
1 Long Nose butterfly
1 Anampses or Guinefowl wrasse
2 Iridis
1 Cleaner wrasse
1 Splendid Leopard wrasse
1 Cosmetus Wrasse
1 Checkerboard Wrasse
1 Pipe fish
2 Cleaner Shrimp
2 Coral Banded Shrimp
2 Starfish

Star Polyps Brown and green
Tan Gorgonian
Galaxea (Sold to me by a petshop as star polyps !)
Red, purple and striped ears
Candy Cane
Organ Pipe
Zoas, Pink, blue, Brown, green and orange
Kenyan Tree
False Brains
and a couple of Unknown things !
24 fish in a 4 foot , wow !!! guess u've got the skimmer to handle the load. im also using the similar brand of tubes except instead of aqua medic im using deltec
Water Param's.
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - <0.1
Phosphates - ? Test kit is well dodgy
Ca - 390
Mg - 1300
SG - 1.025
Temp - 26

Running a fairly new DSB and now have cheato in the sump. I have the skimmer producting wetish skimmate as I had a cyano problem.
I use Captain Corraline's salt AKA Mille's salt can never remember the name. RO water is from Wizzard who has a Waterboy RO unit with the resin chamber. TDS reading of Zero.

I feed a mixture of Omega Garlic pellets, Tetra bits, Krill, brine shrimp, marine mix, crayfish and tiger prawn tails. Fish eat better than me I think.

I just want to say thanks to all the forum members for their support and advice. With out them my tank would be in a rubbish dump somewhere by now.
Smithers great to hear of your turn around and credited to the forums which is great as this is the primary reason for having these forums is to keep people in the hobby.
Now we need pics
This is what it used to look like.


As you can see the little nenny is all white and looking bad.
The tank continuosly evolves. Those 2 pics (crappy as they are) was the year before. I really battle with cynao and hair algea.
So, what does it look like now? I know you pain. I also started off with T8's, a Jebo and bio balls. Luckily my LFS now knows better thanks to forums like these and wetwebmedia.
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