With my tank on the way to be sorted out I thought I would share with you my tank experience. I decided shortly after I got divorced that a marine tank would moan less than my ex-wife and may be easier to look after. I was wrong.
The pet shop that built my tank had little knowledge of marine and gave me some bad advice. 2 T8's would be enough , Jebo skimmer would handle any system, bio balls etc etc.
After 3 months of watching a tank with a little Live rock mature I started to add some fish. 2 Clowns and some dominos were the first inhabitants and they did rather well.
I was under the impression at the time that skimmers were skimmers and lights are all the same. I had no idea about Kelvin rating and par output.
I added an anenome and he was fine for 2 or 3 weeks, then he started to turn a bit pale. The petshop I got the tank from kept up with his bit about T8's being great so I added another 2 of them. The tank was brighter and the nenny looked better.
Time went on and I added another 2 T8's. The tank was getting there and so was the algea. The tank was not heavily stocked and my little jebo was pulling out some skimmate.
I then went off to Northlands, Shaun gave me some good advice and I got my first T5's. Out came some T8's and in went the T5's. The change was incredible. My once almost transparrent nenny started to go brown.
About this time I joined a marine forum and sucked up as much info as I could.
All this new info blew my mind. Removed All the T8's, removed bio balls and replaced the skimmer.
The pet shop that built my tank had little knowledge of marine and gave me some bad advice. 2 T8's would be enough , Jebo skimmer would handle any system, bio balls etc etc.
After 3 months of watching a tank with a little Live rock mature I started to add some fish. 2 Clowns and some dominos were the first inhabitants and they did rather well.
I was under the impression at the time that skimmers were skimmers and lights are all the same. I had no idea about Kelvin rating and par output.
I added an anenome and he was fine for 2 or 3 weeks, then he started to turn a bit pale. The petshop I got the tank from kept up with his bit about T8's being great so I added another 2 of them. The tank was brighter and the nenny looked better.
Time went on and I added another 2 T8's. The tank was getting there and so was the algea. The tank was not heavily stocked and my little jebo was pulling out some skimmate.
I then went off to Northlands, Shaun gave me some good advice and I got my first T5's. Out came some T8's and in went the T5's. The change was incredible. My once almost transparrent nenny started to go brown.
About this time I joined a marine forum and sucked up as much info as I could.
All this new info blew my mind. Removed All the T8's, removed bio balls and replaced the skimmer.