Hi guys,
I have a 400L system that has been up and running since April but have only put livestock in from about the middle of August. I did not use any live rock and used Seachem's Seed every week for a good few months and whenever adding new fish. Filtration includes a skimmer and loads of matrix (ammonia is at 0 and nitrates are at 1).
I currently have 2 TMC clowns, a fairy wrasse, yellow eye kole tang, yellow tang, some inverts and some green star polyps in the display.
I know I may have jumped the gun (having followed the advice of the LFS) and added a flame angel two Fridays ago. That being said, the flame angel definitely brought a disease into the tank and died 5 days later and today I lost my midas blenny. I genuinely hate losing livestock and am reading myself in circles trying to find a solution.
The fish have been scratching and what I originally though was ick could be marine velvet (the yellow tang has some spots on his fins only (nothing on the body) but the blenny had a whitish coat over his body that almost made him look like his skin was peeling). I have been using Seachem's vitality, MetroPlex and Focus every day for 3 days now and the fish do not seem to be getting any better.
I know that time is of the essence and I read several posts in recent weeks regarding res-q-med... Does anyone have any idea if res-q-med works on velvet as well as ick?
Sorry about the long post, just wanted to give us much info as possible...
I have a 400L system that has been up and running since April but have only put livestock in from about the middle of August. I did not use any live rock and used Seachem's Seed every week for a good few months and whenever adding new fish. Filtration includes a skimmer and loads of matrix (ammonia is at 0 and nitrates are at 1).
I currently have 2 TMC clowns, a fairy wrasse, yellow eye kole tang, yellow tang, some inverts and some green star polyps in the display.
I know I may have jumped the gun (having followed the advice of the LFS) and added a flame angel two Fridays ago. That being said, the flame angel definitely brought a disease into the tank and died 5 days later and today I lost my midas blenny. I genuinely hate losing livestock and am reading myself in circles trying to find a solution.
The fish have been scratching and what I originally though was ick could be marine velvet (the yellow tang has some spots on his fins only (nothing on the body) but the blenny had a whitish coat over his body that almost made him look like his skin was peeling). I have been using Seachem's vitality, MetroPlex and Focus every day for 3 days now and the fish do not seem to be getting any better.
I know that time is of the essence and I read several posts in recent weeks regarding res-q-med... Does anyone have any idea if res-q-med works on velvet as well as ick?
Sorry about the long post, just wanted to give us much info as possible...