Setting up a fw tank

10 Jul 2014
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Cape Town (southern suburbs)
Hi guys, I have kept marines but never fw. How would you go about setting up a fw tank? I have a 45cmx30cmx30cm tank. About 40 litres. I also have a little hob filter. What would I keep in the filter?
And what lighting is needed? I'm contemplating going planted but I will most likely just have some easy to keep species.
I dont know all the ins and out of planted but i dont think its so difficult. I know one get special substrate for the plants. Odeassey sell T5 lights for planted tanks and then you need a co2 system for the plants. And i think there are some chemicals involved. Not sure about the names. I lookeda bit at it long ago but never followed through
@Spearo I have not setup yet.
I have the tank and the filter.
Still need lights, filter media, gravel.
Then if course the fish and plants will come.
I'm thinking about co2 but some guys say that if I just keep some easy plants it's not nescessary. @Dexter
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So I sat the wife down n asked for another tank.
Got told no straight lol
I negotiated for a small corner in the garage for one lol
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Back in the days i had plants in my tanks aswell without co2 but they didnt do great. Eventually just got silver dollars ans the plants became
Thanks @Dexter
They're relatively cheap so I'm gonna get a small one.
I'm gonna get a T5 unit.
The hob filter will have filter floss and carbon.

How do you prepare the water?
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Vallisneria and Anubias are the easiest. The floating plants are also easy but shield too much light, although Gouramis enjoy them. Java ferns are a bit more difficult and rapidly eaten by the fish. Any other plants will be wanting co2.
T5 lights are ok.
Tap water is fine, I used to boil my water to get the chlorine out but with age and laziness, reverted to straight out the tap. On first setup you will want it to have a couple of days to cycle and let the chlorine dissipate. Therafter topups from the tap are ok. Stick to small water changes and the plants will do fine.
Remember. ..proper planted tanks are all about keeping the co2 in the u shud avoid air stones n excess surface agitation etc.join aquarium plants sa... (apsa) is geared towards proper planted tanks
Actually its very easy. If you go low light you can easily grow anubias and java fern and many others. You dont use Ro water but you do need to use dechlorenator to remove chlorine from the water. Here is a pic of my cube. Im currently Running a diy co2 as my cylinder is leaking.
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anubias and java fern and many others.

its really easy bru and all the plants mentioned are spot on ,i supose you not looking to go hardcore planted, i have never run co2 on my planted tanks but i also only stuck to certain plants . amazons are awsome as well .the way its planted plays a big role tie everything to a rock or driftwood , anubias planted higher up will send roots down to give you that vine effect
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