Second hand T5 for sale

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7 May 2007
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I have 3 dasz second hand T5 tubes for sale. 2 are white and one is blue , i think they are 10000k and 20000k respectively. they are under 12 months old.
pls make reasonable offers. this is quite urgent also as i need to upgrade but u guys kno the situation with cash flow !!!! prefer dbn guys but can ship elsewhere @ buyers expense
i thiink the whites are 13k in the dazs range,if im not mistaken afsal
How much just for the unit Afsal.... don't chance it you know how much a new one is :)
You can also knock off some cash as I got a Ballast you can take with my cash....
dunno whether itll be worth my while to sell the whole unit,so just the tubes for now
Ok as you wish but if you change your mind I may be keen if the price is ok if not i'll go get a new one but it's gonna be my sump light so if I can save a few bucks I'll be happy....
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