Seahorse Setup


Retired Moderator
6 May 2007
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I am looking at setting up a sea horse aquarium with two or three H. Capensis. I am always striving to get a very natural setup with all my aquariums. But, my wife, whose setup this ultimately is, likes colour. I am not in favour of adding fake corals. And I know that corals and seahorses don't really go together. Another consideration is the fact that I know they need lots of stuff to grab onto.

Do you guys have suggestions as to how I can achieve a middle ground here?
Try using Calurpa very natural and works as a anchor for the sea horses. In a small tank will help the filtration along. I have seen a tank done up with red sea weed and calurpa for sea horses it looked stunning, but was yrs ago on the net some where.
Thanks Alan, I will look up red sea weed. Do you know where I can get some?

I have red that H. Capensis is endangered and I can't keep them, so I will be looking for a different species.

Another thing that I haven't thought of, I can also probably keep some Zoos in a pony setup. They don't require that much flow or light.
with seahorse's please get ones that have been tank raise i say this because they are very hard to feed !
tanked raise ones will take frozen food unless you are going to hatch your own food for them which needs to be on end less surply feeding 3-4 times a day !
heres a pic of my two i had
Hey Jono,

Thanks for the heads up. But in general I only buy livestock that is eating. I usually ask the LFS to feed while I'm there.
I want to try and do a biotope but can't find nice examples of it.
For colour you can use some of the red macro algae, not too sure who has got, also Hill has got some blue Dictyota (spelling) which I think he prunes fairly regularly, that's also a nice strong macro algae.
Will definately do that. But first need to finish my own setup first. And then will follow a bit of research.
sorry i cant remember !
but may be looking in to getting some more at some point want to upgrade reef tank first and then might use the 3 and half foot tank for them but will try to link the two tanks together !
i had a little hex tank (around 20 gallon) which was a bit small ! they need spot on water all the time !
Galibore, what about gorgonia.
I saw a tank with lots of gorgonias and sea-horses, the seahorses love it because they can hook their tales around the coral.
Gorgonias are perfect. And it seems that alot of them require low light.
hey dude calurpa is your best bet but if a colony spawna or dies it can polute the tank . go for H.fuscus in my experience the easiest captive species
For colour you can use some of the red macro algae, not too sure who has got, also Hill has got some blue Dictyota (spelling) which I think he prunes fairly regularly, that's also a nice strong macro algae.
I used to have Viper but my Naso Tang chowed all of it and good riddance. I looked long and hard for a critter to devour that stuff. It was a real pain, even if it looked pretty. Started growing over everything.

I even suspect that it was killing off my Chaeto (although I can't prove it). But since it is gone my chaeto has recovered and growing like crazy.
I have in the mean time also discovered an awesome purple macro algae that looks great and grows very slowly. I added some to my pico and to my new nano.
i really think i am goiong to do a sea horse set up sadle and all but i want to do alot more reading this post helped alot
I saw on that list "all sponges". There are some very colourful sponges around which would look cool. In Reef Invertebrates there's a nice pic of a tank with lots of different colour algaes.
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