Rubik's cube

Awesome dude, good going.
Tridan, your cube is looking fantastic. Your corals all seem very healthy and your system is very neat. I really love it. Well done mate!!:thumbup:
A beauty is born:) Nice Tridan. I believe the Seio without the casing will create more flow. Superb pics as well
Thank you all for the kind comment's. Sunburst i have purposely fitted the covers back on just to limit the flow a bit, my putat did not open very nicelly in to much flow, hence the cover going back on.
Very nice Tridan, your tank looks great - nice corals!

I like
I nicely coloured and healthy tank you have there. Well done:thumbup:
Very nice Tridan, your tank looks great - nice corals!

I like

Dude you make me blush, thank you for the kind words, i believe tho we are both hunting similar corals

awsome buddy really like what you did with it,

Thanks les, dude you need to answer your phone sometime hey.

What the heck is a "PUTAT"?????

Ha Ha Hey J well the coral was identified as euphllyia cristata, but am still undecided as to the authenticity of the id, Torn between E divisa and E cristata, the skeletal structure is visually different so the jury is still out.

I nicely coloured and healthy tank you have there. Well done:thumbup:

Thank you Tony.

:thumbup:looking good man

Thanks Ruan
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