Royal Gramma


Retired Moderator
6 May 2007
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Hi Guys,

I'm thinking of adding a Royal Gramma to my Nano. Would this be ok?

The only other fish is a Yellow Clown Goby. Also have 2 x Cleaner shrimps and crabs.

Will add a clown later on.
I should imagine it would be fine, awsum little fish.
cool little fish to keep.go for it!
Awesome fish. Can be kept in pairs...and are bred in captivity.
I once suggested this fish for a nano on our sister site... but was vehemently shot down in flames. Members (everyone that responded) claimed that it was completely unsuitable and was higly aggressive. This has not been my experience...although i have only kept one, he has been with me for nine years. He will beligerently stake out his cave (which you must provide) by rushing up to tresspasses with huge gapping jaws giving them the Chuck Norris glare. But to date i have seen no bite marks on any of his inmates.
He no doubt is a predator... so be sure that your other stock are bigger than his jaws are wide (you understand the evil of temptation...dont you):)


Oops just reread your post. I have never kept shrimps... as i once saw this guy corner a crab in some new live rock. The crab was swallowed whole.
Thanks for the info sunburst.

Man it's good to have site like this.

I don't mind the shrimps so much, as long as he doesn't eat my Yellow Clown Goby...hehe.
Hi Galibore

I have had a Royal Gramma now for +- 9 months they are stunning fish with bags of personality.

I did a lot of reading about these particular fish before i bought one here is a few things you should know.

Although you can keep one in a nano tank i would not recommend a nano under 100 Liters.

They sometimes enjoy swimming upside down under rock ledges or in caves so do not be alarmed if you're Gramma does this.

They are carnivores so they do need plenty of meaty fish or seafood.

The last thing i will say is i have also notice people going crazy when shown a picture of the Gramma i think these fish often get mixed up with the bicolour pseudo which is a very aggresive fish.
Hi All,

Thanks for your inputs. After some reading, I think my tank is a bit small. Not only that, last night I read about the pseudochromis mix up and I went back to the LFS today. Lo an behold, they are in fact bi-color pseudos and not Grammas as stated on the glass. Not only that, I was pissed off when I saw, that they are trying to sell a small rock with Caulerpa on it, as Gaulerpa for R375. And, some grape algae as Bubble Plant for R175. When I asked the lady about it, she said it's so expensive because the rock is so heavy. OMG, it was about the size of a tennis ball. How expensive can a tennis ball sized piece of LR be?
Hi All,

Thanks for your inputs. After some reading, I think my tank is a bit small. Not only that, last night I read about the pseudochromis mix up and I went back to the LFS today. Lo an behold, they are in fact bi-color pseudos and not Grammas as stated on the glass. Not only that, I was pissed off when I saw, that they are trying to sell a small rock with Caulerpa on it, as Gaulerpa for R375. And, some grape algae as Bubble Plant for R175. When I asked the lady about it, she said it's so expensive because the rock is so heavy. OMG, it was about the size of a tennis ball. How expensive can a tennis ball sized piece of LR be?
Worth its weight in gold. :lol:
Will be the most expensive piece of LR ever.

250g @ R375 = R1,500 / KG

I have been contemplating getting these for a long time and the agressive nature put me off a little, I ended up getting a purple dottyback which IMO is just as sneeky and agressive as the royal gramma, full of personality.. havent seen a royal gramma in CT though. I would recommend this fish for a biggish system but not for a nano. Is'nt the bicolour pseudo also known as a 'fake gramma'

Well I got a bi- color (when I was still stupid and bought all the pretty fish) and the poor sod is stuck in my sump as he kills every thing that crosses his path, he has killed 2 lawnmower blennies and 3 shrimps - he now fights with the return pump and still gives me a bit of trouble if I put my hand in....
I think the R375 was for the LR.. you made me laugh SIMS. something tells me I am going to have the same problem with my Mgenta Dottyback, he is cute though. I can just picture the bugger fighting with the return pump..
Yeah .... R375 was for the Caulerpa.

Hehe... he probably gives the return pump a run for his money hey?
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