I have a RS Reefer 350L for about 6 months now. Normally with a new tank there are enough challenges and aspects to keep one busy. I have now with the dust settling decided to hook up a flow meter to my Apex as an indication to when to clean the pump, but more importantly, for when the inevitable happen and the pump fail. I have a Sebo 12000L DC variable pump with power set on approximately 55%. The flow registered is only 1300L/h. This is extreme under performance to say the least. I know plumbing, head high etc. etc. will affect flow. These pump are low pressure pumps with a maximum head high claimed of 6.5m or 0,65bar. The height is about 1.2m for my return chamber to to outlet. The flow goes straight from the return pump through the Neptune 1" flow sensor to the outlet of the DT via 1" pipe. I am running it now on 80% with maximum flow I can manage of about 1600L/h. My question: is this sufficient or will I need higher tank turnover? Are there anybody else getting these huge differences between claimed and actual flow figures? Finally any quality DC pumps suggestions that will offer higher head heights and flow? I am thinking along the line of Sicce - they are quality made in Italy from a pump manufacturer.