Whole cube setup used to keep sps and the whole family of corals been traveling a lot so its time to let go as its a season for change...
Have a 600l by 600w by 500h starfire cube for sale with stand and sump that goes perfectly together fitted with a K.E.Y. LED unit that starts up by itself and does the whole dawn dusk effect its an awesome unit that you never have to touch once programed...
1 Eheim 300w heater-R500
1 Marine Magic Dosing pump-R1200
1 bubble magnus auto topup float system-R400
1 Red Sea berlin XL skimmer fitted with a haleia 6540 pump-R2000
1 Return pump Halea 6530-R450
1 UV light-R400
starfire Cube+stand+sump-R4000
K.E.Y LED light unit with pc box- R2000
Resun CL-85 chiller that heats and cools-R800
Boyu wave maker and wave adjuster- R800
1 purple firefish- R200
1 regal tang just bigger than R5 coin- R500
1 spot blenny (pretty rare)-R200
All zoas in the tanks R200 for all (see background of pic's for what you see)
all shrooms in tanks R200 for all ''
green pincushion baby R150
some shrooms and GSP are attatched to liverock especially the GSP.
some crown pieces of liverock full of caroline algae in really awesome shapes nothing big and bulky... looking at R800 for live rock...
live agronight- R200
1 cleaner shrimp-R200
1 STUNNING boxing shrimp pretty big-R250
All stock I've had for over 6months and are in best showroom condition eat pellets or mostly anything...
Busy loading pics...
Have a 600l by 600w by 500h starfire cube for sale with stand and sump that goes perfectly together fitted with a K.E.Y. LED unit that starts up by itself and does the whole dawn dusk effect its an awesome unit that you never have to touch once programed...
1 Eheim 300w heater-R500
1 Marine Magic Dosing pump-R1200
1 bubble magnus auto topup float system-R400
1 Red Sea berlin XL skimmer fitted with a haleia 6540 pump-R2000
1 Return pump Halea 6530-R450
1 UV light-R400
starfire Cube+stand+sump-R4000
K.E.Y LED light unit with pc box- R2000
Resun CL-85 chiller that heats and cools-R800
Boyu wave maker and wave adjuster- R800
1 purple firefish- R200
1 regal tang just bigger than R5 coin- R500
1 spot blenny (pretty rare)-R200
All zoas in the tanks R200 for all (see background of pic's for what you see)
all shrooms in tanks R200 for all ''
green pincushion baby R150
some shrooms and GSP are attatched to liverock especially the GSP.
some crown pieces of liverock full of caroline algae in really awesome shapes nothing big and bulky... looking at R800 for live rock...
live agronight- R200
1 cleaner shrimp-R200
1 STUNNING boxing shrimp pretty big-R250
All stock I've had for over 6months and are in best showroom condition eat pellets or mostly anything...
Busy loading pics...