Red Sea ReefWave vs Ecotech Vortech

28 Jun 2011
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I am setting up a office tank and thought it would be a good time to try something new.
I have always used the Vortechs but I do have a few complaints, mainly that directing your flow is not the easiest with them, so I thought I would maybe try a different approach.
I have never used a gyre type wave maker, so no experience with them.
At the price of the two options though, I would like to try and get it right first time, if at all possible.

If any one has experience with using both or even using the Red Sea Reef wave.
Please could you give me some pro's and con's based on your experiences.

Hi, I have used Vortechs for years and still do. I also brought in a Jeboa Cross Flow CP-55 a few years back not sure why they don’t sell them here it’s bloody excellent. I then got a Glamorca GP02 for my frag tank also very good flow. I am building a 3m frag tank and will be going with the Red Sea Reef Wave about 4 of them. Depending on the dimensions of your tank and the corals you keep (Basically sps) you may need to add other pumps to supplement them. Each tank is different and my main display doesn’t have any gyres as I needed really powerful flow and I have gone with 2 Tunze Stream 3 and 3 Tunze 6255 wide flows, jury is still out on the 6255s and I may swop for the bigger Red Sea Reef Wave over time.
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